Disneys Finding Nemo JR. is a musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with new songs written by award-winning composers Kristen Anderson-Lopez and EGOT-winner Robert Lopez. The story follows the adventures of Marlin, a timid clownfish, and his son, Nemo. After Nemo is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, they both face challenges on the journey to be reunited.
The Infinite Moment of Now
Larcom Theatre (9/12 - 9/22) BUY NOW & SAVE | ||
The Light in the Piazza
Huntington Theatre (5/8 - 6/15) | ||
Romeo & Juliet
Curtain Call Theatre (9/20 - 9/29) | ||
Don't Eat the Mangos
Huntington Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA (3/26 - 4/27) | ||
Cat Kid Comic Club: The Musical
Emerson Colonial Theatre (1/25 - 1/26) | ||
Three Tall Persian Women
Shakespeare & Company (8/30 - 10/13) | ||
Adventure Improv
The Rockwell (9/14 - 9/14) | ||
Romeo and Juliet
American Repertory Theater (8/31 - 10/6) | ||
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