A Call for Submissions for
The Heart Sellers
To be performed at Cape Rep Indoor Theater
3299 Rte 6A, Brewster, MA 02631
Digital auditions for The Heart Sellers by Lloyd Suh, directed by Nina Lam running September 18 - October 20.
Roles to be cast:
LUNA — Luningning Ignacia Mangahas de la Rosario Bustos, 23, Filipina, female
JANE — Hong Jae Ha, 23, Korean, female
The characters are to be performed by actors of Asian or Pacific Island descent only. Further to this, because language of origin is a critical component of the play, it is essential to cast actors with specific understanding and lived or inherited experience with the respective dialects of the characters.
Submission instructions:
Cape Rep Theatre is an equal opportunity employer, committed to creating a diverse and inclusive creative home for both artists and audiences. We welcome and encourage all to audition. AEA, EMC and Non-Union submissions welcome.
Contact the box office for more information: 508-896-1888 or visit our website for further casting news at